Saturday 11 February 2012

Initial Update

Hi all,
We are so grateful for the abundance of support, love, and encouragement being shown to us. Thank you so very much. Lately, due to Jen's declining health, we've not been able to keep in touch as much as we'd like. That being said, we know how much it means to keep loved ones up to date with how things are going. Those of you who received Jen's handwritten letters know how much she loves keeping in touch. So in light of our inability to have many visitors, answer all phone calls, and respond to all emails, we thought of posting a light blog to keep people "in the loop." I can't promise constant updates, but hope it helps. Things have begun to decline rapidly over the last month, so hopefully this can help get you up to speed.

As many of you recall, Jen began to lose her voice late last year due to a paralyzed vocal cord. This, paired with a sudden increase in pain in early December, made things a little difficult for her to do her normal daily activities. Jen and I had a wonderful time throughout the month seeing our grandchildren, Mark, Nicholas, and Susanna who brought a lot of innocent and oblivious cheer to the season. Robin and Rachel were around Victoria and Port Angeles for the whole month, so we had some wonderful visits and having Lauren living in Victoria we had a lovely family Christmas together. One of the highlights was a family trip to the Shaw Ocean Center in Sidney where we got to see the children's glee at the various sea creatures.

Over this month, Jen began a slow but steady decline. More scans revealed that the cancer had spread substantially. Another trial course of systemic chemo and was slated to start later in the month.

Jenny was unable to have the slated chemo due to a low platelet count. On Tuesday Feb 7th, she had a fall and went into a steep decline in responsiveness and is now having great difficulty speaking. She spends most of her time in bed.

We have activated the Hospice Palliative Care team as it is likely that Jen will need daily attendance by the team for pain medication and monitoring. They are a fantastic resource for in-home care of advanced stage cancer patients, plus the counselor who attends is a wonderful support for all the family to ask questions.

The family has been a huge support with Lauren staying here and both Robin and Heather having traveled from Ontario to help us and Jen. Barbara just arrived from South Africa and my sister Eve is coming from Connecticut next week. Jenny’s Mom & Dad are too frail to travel at this stage, but we keep in daily contact with them. Peter Everett stopped here this weekend on his way back to UK from Houston and has, as expected, lightened our spirits substantially. Robin and Lauren took Peter and I on a "walk" up, down, and around Mt. Doug today - it was a wonderful way to clear my head and decompress.

We continue to pray for a miracle and just take one day at a time and enjoy the love and support that we have from all of you. Jen is not strong enough to see visitors at this stage and right now we have an abundance of lovingly prepared baked goods! However, your thoughts and prayers are appreciated, especially on this World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
Love to you all,


  1. Thank you Peter. I have asked my daughters spread across the continent to keep you and Jenny and your family in our prayers. What an exceptional way for us to be able to keep you on our mind and in our prayers. Bonnie Landry

  2. Hi Peter
    So good to have access to this blog and it is wonderful to be able to keep in touch and up to date on what is happening. Jenny has been so gracious and such an example to us all - she is always encouraging and for Colleen and I facing our cancer journey, this has been wonderful. Please tell her I love her and Ian and I pray for you all every day. God Bless and keep you all. Lots of love Ian and Lynda

  3. Peter and family, we are so saddened by the news of Jenny's passing, but we know her pain is gone and she is united with our Heavenly Father. I know this is a sad and difficult time for you all and we will continue to lift you up in our thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of love to you all. Ian and Lynda

  4. Dearest Pete, Lauren, Robin and family, Barb and Heather and family
    I am weeping with you as we say goodbye to Jenny, a wonderful child of God who portrayed Christ in all she did. I could not have survived my cancer journey without her .... both practically and spiritually. I marvel at Gods amazing grace. Last night speaking to her was a wonderful release for me. In this life we want healing but I just visulise her crossing over, being welcomed into heaaven, with the choir of angels singing "Glory to God, halleluja, Jenny is healed" Last night I was praying for Aunty Ann and Uncle Errol and her, and opened the bible at Psalm 46 v 3
    God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved. God shall help her, just at the break of dawn Verse 10, Be still and know that I am God. I immediately sent it to Aunty Ann. So, when Aunty Ann phoned this morning I wept but also praised God for His word. Love to you all. May the Lord bless you and keep, may He make His countenance shine upon you, and give you peace. All my love, Colleen ..... Pete and family. Also from Denis and Drene.
